Professional Services

Winuk Pelvic Health offers a comprehensive range of professional services aimed at educating and raising awareness about pelvic health challenges that impact all ages and genders. Customized corporate and community presentations help to promote preventive strategies that enhance overall well-being and productivity. Informative presentations to other healthcare professionals promote multidisciplinary collaboration for optimal patient outcomes.

Speaking Engagements

Dr. Winuk is a frequent guest lecturer at medical grand rounds, community forums and women’s prenatal and postpartum support groups. Educate your audience, dispel myths, raise awareness and encourage early intervention through captivating and informative presentations on pelvic health, wellness and preventive care.

Topics covered in recent lectures include:

Leak Less, Live More: Treating urinary incontinence

Survive and Thrive: Breast cancer and the pelvic floor

Survive and Thrive: Prostate cancer and the pelvic floor

From Strain to Gain: Treating constipation

Before Baby: Pregnancy and the pelvic floor

Baby is Here: Regain the pelvic floor … and more

Supporting Your Foundation: Treating pelvic organ prolapse

Corporate & Workplace Wellness Programs

Chronic abdominal and pelvic girdle pain and bowel and bladder disorders such as leaking, urgency or the need for frequent bathroom trips, are found in male and female workers in almost every industry.  While very common, these pelvic health concerns are not normal, and may likely result in impaired performance, poor productivity and time missed from work. 

Topics covered in recent lectures include:

Screening and Early Detection of Pelvic Floor Disorders

Postpartum Recovery: New Moms in the Workplace

Managing Bowel and Bladder Symptoms in the Office

Posture, Ergonomics and the Pelvic Floor

Hydration and Bathroom Breaks

Occupation-Related Pelvic Floor Disorders: Useful strategies for pelvic floor wellness in the workplace

Informative, interactive and customized presentations suitable for all audiences

Book Dr. Winuk

For more information and booking inquiries, please fill out our form or email directly.